Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Downhilling on Cotapaxi

Hola Amigos

We successful made it back to Quito on the night bus in what seemed like a very long 10 hours. Tomas, one of our travel companions hung out with us for the day. We are staying at a hostel in New Town for $7 US a night, it is pretty cheap over here. We got breakfast and lunch together in awesome cafes called Toffee and Coffee, and The Magic Bean. Chilling out and relaxing was the order of the day which was good because as I said we were all pretty tired from the bus ride.

I had my first online interview for the MDBA last night in a internet cafe. I think that it went alright, most of the other people in the cafe could hear me as the connection was not that great but I will keep an open mind about my chances.

We had farewell drinks for Tomas last night, 2 for 1 before 7pm which was fun. Mohitos all round. Then we met up with Clint from our Amazon tour and his new friends for more drinks and dinner at Alladins, which is named after the DIsney movie which I think is awesome!!!

Today we went mountain biking down Cotapaxi, the highest, active volcano in the world although it currently has snow on its peak. We were driven up to 4500 feet to start and you could say that it was a bit cold (actually very cold). Diago was the name of our guide, he was pretty cool, proud of his country, the national park and loving his mountain biking which made for a really fun day.
We had some straight and up hill sections also which made for hard work at altitude but it was really rewarding at the bottom.

Tomorrow we catch a plane at 10am Quito time to the Galapagos Islands, this will mean that we are out of internet range for about 8 days but will have some awesome stories to share at the other side.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous Chrissie!! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures :) and photos from the Galapagos Islands!! Miss you xxx
